Aïn-Temouchent Wastewater Treatment Plant
Detailed Design and Tender Documents.
The Aïn-Témouchent WWTP is planned to treat a flow of 10920 m3/d which corresponds to 82,000 PE with the prevision for a possible extension to 119,000 PE.
Pre-treatment of water consists of emergency screening, coarse screening, fine screening and sand and oil removal.
The removal of carbonaceous and nitrogen pollution is achieved by biological means.
Nitrogen is removed thanks to the pre-denitrification process.
Phosphorus is removed by physio-chemical treatment in a clariflocculator through coagulation with ferric chloride (FeCl3) and flocculation with an anionic polyelectrolyte (two tanks are provided to alternate when the first one is empty).
Oil and grease as well will be evacuated by tanker outside the station.
The biological sludge at the clarifier outlet is already stabilized (as it has an age of about 23 days) and then sent to the thickener.
After thickening a polyelectrolyte dosing is carried out before dewatering which is carried out by two press belts.
A series of emergency drying beds is provided in case of stop of the two belts.
Sewage undergoes a further tertiary treatment for nitrogen and phosphate removal and the resulting treated water is suitable for agricultural irrigation.
Services Included :
- Extensive study of the existing sewerage system
- Geological and geotechnical study
- Study of the treatment needs with projection up to 2030
- Study of reuse of treated sludge and water for irrigation
- Client:
- Direction de l’Hydraulique
de la Wilaya d’Aïn-Témouchent
Hai Zeitoune – Aïn-Témouchent
Financing Agency: The World Bank - Year:
- 2002 - 2004
- Location:
- Aïn-Temouchent, Algeria